Tuesday 1 March 2016

Important dates


Monday 4th - Start of Term 3
Wednesday 6th - DTP Immunisations in the main hall for year 9 students
Thursday 7th - Careers Evening in the main hall for parents in year 8 and 9
Monday 11th - Mock examinations begin for year 11 and 13 students
Friday 29th - Year 11 prom Fayre in the main hall


Tuesday 2nd - Big interview for year 10
Thursday 4th - Parents' evening for year 9
Wednesday 10th - PHSE day 3
Thursday 11th - Parents evening for sixth form
Friday 12th - Last day of term 3
Monday 22nd - School closed for TD day
Tuesday 23rd - Term 4 starts

Tuesday 9 February 2016


We are pleased to announce the official John Bentley School blog is now up and running. This blog will be used to share important dates and allow all students, teachers and parents to have unprecedented access.